Moon Runner Turns Players Into A Repairman On The Moon
Moon Runner is an indie game that takes the core mechanic of Death Stranding, and gives it to you for free. In this game you’ll be repairing ten mysterious monoliths scattered across the moon’s surface. You’ll have to find them while surviving an oxygen tank that constantly runs out. And trigger-happy robots. If that wasn’t enough you’ll also have to make deliveries to upgrade your suit.
There were a few moments of dropped frames. It didn’t affect the overall atmosphere. Instead, the surroundings remain interesting despite their barrenness. This is a straight traversal. You’ll have to climb ladders to cross gaps, which are also brought from completing deliveries. This helps immersion so that you don’t become bored with your surroundings. The unusual movement that imitates no gravity also helps.

There are a few survival elements other than oxygen to manage. Weight doesn’t just affect your movement, it can increase or decrease fall damage. While ladders are necessary they’re also time intensive. Moon Runner’s challenges aren’t impossible to overcome, however. It’s a great experience if you want just a little more challenge in your exploration games.
Moon Runner feels like a puzzle game. You’ll have to figure out the most efficient way to travel. While also making sure nothing gets missed. There’s also a mind bending twist waiting just when you think you have things pinned down. Some of the physics can be frustrating, but overall Moon Runner leaves you with a sense of satisfaction.