Space Mechanic Simulator Lets Players Do Repairs In Space
Space Mechanic Simulator takes a mundane idea and gives it a slight twist. You play a mechanic who repairs spaceships, stations, and other vehicles. The gameplay loop revolves around finding a malfunctioning part before replacing it with a new part. These can be obtained or made with a 3D printer. All repairs are made using just a drill and meter.
The gameplay engages you through puzzles instead of nonstop action. Its systems aren’t overly complex but instead of the usual tutorial system, you pay for each one. In return you get a license that allows you to do more advanced repairs. While adding some much needed tension that still feels realistic. But without becoming frustrating like using your jetpack.

If you don’t get a handle on the jetpack controls, you’ll find that you frequently run out of oxygen. Completing repairs can be satisfying once the vehicles become more advanced. At the same time, you need precise positioning to even remove a screw. This requires moving up, down, and side to side using your jetpack. There will be penalties for mistakes. If you’re familiar with flying games this may be less of a struggle.
Space Mechanic Simulator lets you do repairs in orbit around Earth, the Moon, and Mars. Eventually you’ll get to drive around the surface of Mars in a rover. It has its issues though the core gameplay remains interesting. There are plenty of new things to repair over the course of the game. If you’re a fan of mechanic sims, this may be one to keep an eye on.