Sunday, March 9, 2025

What If…? Season 3 Episode 4 Review

The fourth episode of ‘What If…?’ season three continues the narrative and romance of Darcy Lewis and Howard the Duck that first burgeoned in the first season of ‘What If…?’. Somehow, the pair have had a child (best not to think about that too hard), and a chase across the galaxy ensues when everyone wants the egg, as everyone believes it’s mystical.

This episode is surely the most goofiest of the ‘What If…?’ episodes, outdoing even the episode that’s set in this universe. There’s nothing wrong with that, indeed it helps with the pacing of the series. Indeed, in a multiverse with infinite possibilities it’s just as likely that this happens on the daily, and this is clearly an intentionally less serious episode. However, its premise is so out there, it will likely alienate a lot of fans who prefer the more serious side. 

All of this to say, the episode starring Howard the Duck is likely to like Marmite, there are some people that will love it, others will hate it. The commitment to keep showing Howard the Duck on Marvel’s part is still surprising every time it happens, Marvel can’t get enough of their feathered friend. Howard the Duck getting hitched to a human woman is a reference to when the live-action film did it way back in 1986, though far less creepy and weird.  

The episode revolves around the premise that Howard and Darcy’s kid will grow up to be an extremely powerful being, so everyone wants a shot at stealing the egg and controlling it. A chase ensues for a vast majority of the episode, involving plenty of familiar faces from all across the Marvel Cinematic Universe, such as Nick Fury, Thanos, the Grandmaster and more. There will be many Easter Eggs for the fans to tuck into (not tuck into Howard the Duck’s and Darcy’s egg though).     

As mentioned, this chase comprises most of the episode, and it’s one that does not stop. It’s tiring for all this action to happen with almost no reprieve, and it’s something that will cause audiences to glaze over and start to lose interest. To try and keep audiences interested the episode keeps escalating the threats posed to Howard and Darcy’s egg, which only adds to the exhaustion the episode generates.   

However, beneath all the whimsy and goofiness, the tiring action and non-stop character introductions, this is a story about a couple trying to get their kid back. While Christmas isn’t an inherent part of the story (something that does help the episode’s longevity), family is an integral part of Christmas, so this episode does have a thematic connection to releasing in the holiday period. As so far there’s nothing that’s as overt to Christmas as in season two, it’s pleasant and warming that Marvel have put out an episode that ties into the holidays, even if it’s one about Howard the Duck losing his kid.   

It’s appreciated that ‘What If…?’ season three episode four follow up on threads created by previous episodes with a theme that does connect to its release window. Out of all of the previous episodes and the different universes ‘What If’ has shown fans, seeing where the romance between Darcy and Donald the Duck goes likely won’t be high on anyone’s wish list. This is certainly the goofiest piece of media that’s set in the MCU, which to some people will make it glorious, but for others it will make it cringey. 

Kieran Burt

My name is Kieran and I am based in the UK. I love writing about all things science fiction and fantasy, particularly Star Wars and Marvel. When I’m not writing or watching anything sci-fi related, you can probably find me exploring the open worlds of alternate lands through my Xbox.
