Saturday, March 29, 2025

Thor: Love & Thunder Teaser Trailer Review

Article by Marlene Garza @Marlene.Garza16 FB

The teaser trailer for Thor 4th movie can spiral into a plural of assumptions, but before quickly diving into the list. I see a lot of 80’s theme throughout the film especially the music. I think the director and music producer choose a great theme for the movie based on the teaser film so far. I cant wait to see the rest of the selection in store for us.

Now, digging into the list I have observed and also assumption for the plot of theme. It is not your typically Thor action movie. It seems like a sad theme yet understanding the God of Thunders next chapter…He has already accomplished in building back Asgar’s new location with the new ruler, King Valkyrie. What more can come out the God of thunder? Maybe it’s the end of his character? Who knows? He doesn’t have his mother, father nor his brother (so we think, since Loki is a illusionist).

I’m feeling this movie will be based on the figuring out his next moves and possibly passing the torch, especially with the last scene of the trailer where it shows Jane Foster with Mjölnir. And we all know Mjölnir can only be pass to the ones who are selected. It might come off as sad movie, but God of Thunder has always been the Hero doing things alone as we all know…

As Thor has been sticking around with the Guardians of the Galaxy, I find it now he has come to past where he doesn’t have to be this lonesome Hero. He has a new family… I do enjoy seeing Thor with the 80’s theme shirt vest like Quills. Another observation is the training montage scene of Thor getting back into shape since the Endgame where he lost himself when he killed Thanos out of anger. The list can go on and on and on….but let us know your thoughts by checking out the teaser trailer below and don’t forget to shout out via @Scifiction on twitter!
