Space Marine 2 Is A Triumphant Sequel
Space Marine 2 drops players right back into the fast paced action of the first. This time with graphics that are stunning. When there’s a second to appreciate them before another tyranid swarm overwhelms you. The campaign is pretty beefy on its own, but there are extra modes where you can play the same mission from another point of view. This not only offers some replayability. These missions offer weapons and armor upgrades. There’s also six different classes you can choose from.
The story does a good job of adding new elements while catching up new players without it bogging down the pace. However, the campaign is mostly “go here” and “shoot this” which is expected. There’s a few twists that offer variety. Chaos has to make an appearance. Of course. There’s a final stand moment that may feel almost nostalgic for old fans, while remaining impactful for those new to the franchise. It’s a fun time before you either settle in to replay the story or move onto PVP. Once the Eternal War mode has been unlocked players can begin customizing their ultramarine.

The combat feels smooth with only a few unresponsive moments. It’s easy to switch from guns to comically large knives, chainswords, or other melee weapons. The enemies move so quickly that you fall into a natural rhythm of starting with long range attacks to catching enemies mid-air before slamming them into the ground. Checkpoints are frequent throughout. If the entire squad goes down there won’t be too much progress lost.
Space Marine 2 plays well and looks amazing. The PVE content is strong enough to be satisfying, even if you wouldn’t touch PVP with a ten foot pole. If you aren’t interested in the online aspect, either co-op or competitive, then its current price tag may be a little steep. There’s hours of fun otherwise that truly make you feel like an unstoppable force. Space Marine 2 isn’t just a sequel that matches the first, it does a decent job of introducing bits of lore. So it makes the task of approaching such a long running franchise slightly less daunting.