Saturday, March 29, 2025

Madame Web is Coming to the MCU!

Article by Marlene Garza MarleneGarza.16

Madame Web
Release date: July 7, 2023
Production: Sony

Spider man, spider man or should I say spider woman perhaps! Madame Web is a spin-off of Spider-man Universe. I am excited to see again another character from the bottom of the shelves to the eye view. Madame Web is played by Dakota Johnson; some may know her as the character Anna Steel from 50 shades of grey. It’s a different role for her, but I think we should give her a chance. Director, S.J. Clarkson’s films directed by her is the defender, life on mars, and more. I’m loving the woman empowerment in these new films. Many may not agree, but Marvel and DC both have many superheroes as women, so please don’t hate.

Now, back to Madame web, I do see where they are implanting her in this new film, but I do recall Madame Web aka Cassandra Webb being blind in the comic books and older. Sony is producing this film and its release date is July 7, 2023. I’m a bit optimistic about this one. Of course, I do always give the benefit of doubt to any marvel movie.

Madame Web is known for her psychic ability to see in the future and is an ally to Spider-man. No trailer has been released as of yet and not enough detail based on the comic book Madame Web, but I’m sure the director has a great plan to bring this character into the light of the marvel universe. I did not want to give too much detailed information only based on the comic books, but I’m sure we are up for a great surprise.

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