Sunday, March 9, 2025

What If…? Season 3 Episode 3 Review

The third episode of ‘What If…?’ takes audiences to more classic MCU territory, as Bucky Barnes and Alexei Shostakov go on an unlikely road trip together after they’re both kicked out of their terrorist organisations. The two are chased by Bill Foster as he attempts to bring them in, along with HYDRA and the Red Room. It’s a funny, low-stakes buddy romp, with the straight-faced Barnes loosening his attitude as Shostakov gets to him with his unintentionally witty personality. 

Opening this episode, audiences see Shostakov complain about the Winter Soldier, starting off their complicated relationship. It also addresses something that’s been a bit of a growing problem in the main Marvel Cinematic Universe, and that all these secret organisations seem to exist and claim to control humanity, which gets confusing. In the episode, it’s clear that HYDRA and the Red Room are well aware of each other, and are even run by the same man too, which is a nice bit of world building. 

When Shostakov gets wind that the Winter Soldier is going on a mission, well of course he has to disrupt it. This kicks off a funny montage showing their different travel methods, the Winter Soldier gets HYDRA-approved and paid for travel, fitting of his position, whereas Shostakov has to travel in economy, and one would assume at his own expense too. 

The pair finally meet on the fateful road where the Winter Soldier killed the Starks as part of no witnesses, but Shostakov becomes the unlikely hero when he saves both of them, leading to a very fun fight as the Winter Soldier tries to maintain his business composure, but that hilariously drops when HYDRA unceremoniously cans their assassin for his failure. Barnes’ reaction to this is gold, with the animators succeeding in selling his rage and disappointment. 

This starts a long road trip where the pair must travel across capitalist America (a joke that Shostakov does exhaust) while the two bond, generating great comedy. This is bolstered by Bill Foster chasing them, and it’s appreciated that he’s there instead of Nick Fury as again it shakes up what’s happening. He gets far more hands on chasing the pair in his Goliath suit, which leads to some inventive action when combined with Barnes and Shostakov. 

The Red Room and HYDRA do get frustrated that their tools have gone amok, and decide to get involved in bringing them to heel. Winter Soldier’s command words even get involved, but he manages to overcome his programming, thanks to Shostakov helping him remember a piece of himself. This is the highest the stakes get, and it’s a good palate cleanser from the worldwide consequences audiences have seen so far this season.  

The ending of this episode is a little confusing, as somehow the Winter Soldier is captured and taken back to Siberia, which is unfortunate. But Shostakov gets what he wants, to be someone, as Foster recognises his unique talent. The scene plays out hilariously, with Shostakov teaching a gym class the only way he knows how, with capitalist insults. The final shot though, the iconic Avengers 2012 camera spin, shows that the Red Guardian became somebody (as he humorously elbows his way in). Even more so for Tony Stark, as his mother and father are now alive thanks to the Guardian.

Overall, this buddy comedy is a great pairing of two characters that address some worldbuilding concerns, with inventive action and strong animation. While the capitalist joke is run into the ground a little bit, the humor is consistent and character-driven, with Marvel understanding their characters and showing the potential hidden in leftfield combinations.  

Kieran Burt

My name is Kieran and I am based in the UK. I love writing about all things science fiction and fantasy, particularly Star Wars and Marvel. When I’m not writing or watching anything sci-fi related, you can probably find me exploring the open worlds of alternate lands through my Xbox.
