
Thunderbolts* Teaser Trailer Reaction

‘Thunderbolts*’, yes with the *, is Marvel Studios project that will bring together several antiheroes as they attempt to overcome the severe differences in their styles and shady contractors, debuts its first trailer with a huge dash of fun. Set to the backing of Pixies’ 1988 hit song “Where is My Mind” audiences meet these characters in a style reminiscent of Guardians of the Galaxy. 

Marvel Entertainment

Starting with Yelena, she recruits the Red Guardian to her side, needig him for something urgent. He mistakes her for a meal delivery service to start with, but quickly realises it’s his adopted daughter. They talk about feeling unfulfilled in their life, an attempt to search for purpose. Bucky and John Walker both lost their Captain America. Deep down that’s what all these characters are attempting to find, and it’s what draws them together. This will likely drive them to work for the shady government types to start with, until they all realise that they’re being played for fools. 

Yelena even confirms she threw herself into work to avoid the lonliness, but unfortunately that wasn’t the solution. A scene shows her entering a mysterious lab, where she surprisingly runs into both U.S Agent, Ghost, and Taskmaster, all of whom have been sent without the others knowing. Their fight disturbs Bob, aka The Sentry, who is the Marvel equivalent of Superman. Except he’s also got an evil side. Before the antiheroes can figure out who Bob is, the doors to the facility close, and a timer starts. No doubt everyone has to work together to escape, and this is where Bob might reveal his powers. Yelena express shock at something, and it might be that. 

La Contessa Valentina Allegra de la Fontaine makes her mark in the film, after have brief Marvel Cinematic Universe appearances before. She’s head of the CIA, and she explains that good guys don’t exist, only bad guys and worse guys. As the head of the CIA, she can surely talk. Several action pieces go by, until all the Thunderbolts* are crammed into a lift to meet her, at what looks like the former Avengers Tower Tony Stark sold years ago. This possibly hints that the Thunderbolts might be the government’s replacement for the Avengers, given they’re currently scattered.

Of course, Fontaine is not to be trusted in any capacity, and she might be looking to set up a Dark Avengers for her own nefarious aims. It’s unclear yet, as the trailer is light on plot details. The last sequence shows Bucky attacking fellow Thunderbolt members in the last scene, though why is unclear. Has he defected from Fontaine and the others stayed loyal, and is he trying to stop them? Audiences will have to wait until May 2, 2025 to find out why, and what that asterisk means. 

Kieran Burt

My name is Kieran and I am based in the UK. I love writing about all things science fiction and fantasy, particularly Star Wars and Marvel. When I’m not writing or watching anything sci-fi related, you can probably find me exploring the open worlds of alternate lands through my Xbox.