Sunday, March 9, 2025

‘Silo’ Season 2, Episode 7 Review

In episode seven of ‘Silo’, we find out more about the history of the silos, while Juliette encounters another problem as she tries to get back home.

Now at least we know how long the silo has been around, 352 years according to Bernard, which is enough time for any knowledge of the time before it was built to have disappeared, but that still doesn’t explain why those in power are so eager to stamp out any knowledge of the “before times” by confiscating relics and the like. It also doesn’t explain why it was built in the first place, which is a mystery no one has the answer to, not even the omniscient IT department. What was it that made the outside world so uninhabitable? Why is the truth not allowed, as that would surely keep people happier if they knew the reason why they were locked underground? Or is it simply to prevent madness and despair, with the vague hope that one day they can all go outside?

Could the reference to ‘The Wizard of Oz’ have a deeper meaning? It could be seen as a reference to Bernard as the “man behind the curtain”, who controls everything and keeps a fake persona so everyone will trust him, or is it a hint that there might be even greater powers in control here?

Even though he’s not a good leader, and is ruthless and dictatorial, what Holland does appears to be for the good of the silo, in preventing a total collapse of order. What Sims and his wife are doing, on the other hand, is plain reckless. This is the time they should be working for stability, not fighting for power. Even if they think Holland is a bad choice for leader at such a time, this is irresponsible and dangerous to be thinking of their own advancement, rather than protecting the inhabitants of the silo.

Meanwhile, in the other silo, Juliette is forced to abandon her plan to get back to home, and has to confront her fear of water again so she can repair the pump and stop the upper levels, where Solo lives, from flooding.

It looks like Solo was attacked while she was underwater and the rope cut, leaving her to drown, so clearly there must be someone else in the silo. Up until now there’s been no sign of them, except for the graffiti outside the bunker, and the marks on the wall where someone tried to break in.

The question is who are they, and what have they been doing all this time while Juliette’s been there? Also, what will this reveal about Solo’s true identity? I don’t believe he really is the head of IT’s shadow, but he apparently believes he is, or is pretending to be, so what’s the truth there?

Once again, this was a pretty packed episode, with plenty happening in both silos. There are only three episodes left now, so they will probably be full too, which helps avoid some of the slow pace that can be a criticism of this show. 

Will Juliette get back? Will there be war in the silo? Who is there that could stop it now? Sheriff Billings, maybe? I don’t know, but I can’t wait to find out.
