Monday, March 10, 2025

Silo’ Season 2 Episode 2 Review

In episode two of ‘Silo’ season two, we go back to Silo 18 to see how the residents are dealing with the after effects of Juliette going outside, as order begins to break down.

After Juliette was sent out to clean, and apparently survived, walking over the hill and out of sight, Silo 18 is in uproar and on the verge of rebellion. They are convinced they have been lied to by those in charge, and that the outside world is safe, leading some of them to talk of an uprising, and even shutting down the generator.

This is an even bigger problem in the lower levels, where the authorities have less of a presence, and most of Juliette’s friends and colleagues live. Despite the saying that everyone in the silo is equal, no matter their role, the inhabitants of the lower levels often get the more dangerous and unpleasant jobs, which gives them another reason to be dissatisfied with those in charge.

The mayor’s attempts at making up a cover story, saying her survival was down to a new kind of tape, might have bought him some time, especially as it gives residents some hope that they can all go outside eventually. But now he knows that there’s a real danger of revolt, as he saw what happened in the other silo, where all the residents went outside at the same time, and died in their thousands.

It makes me wonder what the point of spreading lies about the outside world is? Is it there just to get rid of the troublesome types who question authority too much? If so, why bother keeping up the charade once they go outside, or why not an “accident” to get rid of them? The only other good reason I can think of is that it serves as an occasional reminder that it’s still toxic outside, but why not just send out the occasional scout instead? It seems that sowing these seeds of doubt is a bigger threat to their control of the silo than just telling the truth.

It certainly adds another element to the story, and a big question left to be answered about the founders of the silos. Added in with the danger posed this episode, the risk of open war now that even people like Walker are joining with the rebels, it really raises the stakes this season and provides for plenty to get stuck into, whether in this silo or in the abandoned one Juliette’s in, this season is shaping up to be just as entertaining as the first.
