Monday, March 10, 2025

‘Severance’ Season 2, Episode 7 Review

Episode seven of ‘Severance’ brings the thriller closer to its season finale, as we find out what happened to Mark’s wife.

Most of this episode is focused on Gemma, or Ms Casey, whichever you prefer, as we get to see both of her personalities. 

She’s been kept at Lumon constantly since she “died”, which would make sense, as there’s no way they could have taken the risk that Mark could have seen her outside, but what exactly is going on here, and what they have planned for her, isn’t exactly clear. She’s essentially a prisoner there, undergoing experiments, but to some extent, she’s agreed to it, and is willing to participate.

It looks like she and Mark were trying to have a child, but she wasn’t able, and it looks like she went to Lumon as a last resort. This fits with the hints we’ve had that Lumon is some kind of biotech corporation, and would no doubt have tech that could help. Yet there’s still a lot going on here that’s not clear.

She’s agreed to participate, it seems (though that’s not explicitly stated), but she’s also been severed, and not just once, but so she has multiple “innies”. We see her visiting a number of rooms, where different scenarios play out, like the dentists, but it seems that particular innie only exists inside that one room. Is this standard to all severed people, or only in this, potentially experimental case?

Yet why did she not tell Mark about this, as she clearly wants to get back to him once her time at Lumon is over, and considering he gets severed himself after her death, it’s not like he had any clear objection to the company or the procedure.

There’s also the fact she faked her own death in a car crash so she could stay there undetected. This could just have been Lumon’s own idea, but even so, she would at the very least have been reported missing by Mark, which is arguably worse.

This also leads into the question of why Mark is so important? He’s been treated as vital to the company, being the only member of the MDR team to keep his job at the start of this season. The file he’s working on is titled “Cold Harbor”, which is the name of the only room at Lumon Gemma hasn’t been into, and is described as essential he complete it on time.

I can see how Mark might have some use because of his connection to Gemma, yet how could they have known he would join the company after her “death”? 

It all seems incredibly complex, so let’s hope that whatever the answers are, they’re worth it.

That was what most of the episode revolved around, with flashbacks to when Mark and Gemma met, and were married. It opens up more questions rather than providing any answers. There’s also not long to go until this season wraps up, in just two episodes. It’s not likely we’ll get the answers to the big questions, as prepping for season three is already underway, but there’s likely to be another bombshell dropped before the finale.
