Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Review: Semi-Terrestrial Three Spiders

Semi-Terrestrial Three Spiders is the third book on Philip S. Wood’s SCIFY series Semi-
Terrestrial. This book begins with Agent Warren, an FBI agent on the hunt for Karen. Karen is

very pregnant. This concerns Donald so he calls the President Dalton askes him to call off the FBI
on his wife. The president agrees because Donald and Karen are heroes now.

Soon after, the children of Donald and Karen are born. Donna Forrest Waldheim and
Donald Thurston Waldheim II are exceptional babies. They are able to walk, talk, and read
advanced books. Think Stewie Griffin mixed with Baby Geniuses. It is discovered that, Donnie;
the son, has the power of telekinesis. The babies also have their own spider like Donald has.

Meanwhile a group of Dranconain miners return to their home planet to find it
completely destroyed. They vow revenge, but their retribution is short lived thanks to Donald
and the Saskaç; Rufus and his family from the last book. They leave one alive and dump him
back on his home planet. Donald also keeps the Dranconain ship and what they were mining.
The resource is called kerkonbalyte. Which doesn’t have a purpose yet but might in the future.

Life goes back to somewhat uneventful. The Spider made a video game to teach Nate
how to fly the Dranconain ship. The babies also learn how to play this game. When the babies
turned one year old Karen brought on a live in tutor named Grace. She and Nate seem to hit it
off really well. Maybe a potential romance in the future.

A new threat emerges when an old species called the Tremarians are spotted. Donald is
told that these guys are bad news. They want to wipe out all life in the universe. What is
puzzling, is that the Tremarians were supposed to be extinct for thousands of years. Donald and
Nate go to investigate the Tremarian’s ships but no on is in the ships. They are being remotely
controlled but they are unable to tell where they are being controlled from. The Greys and the
Nordics convince Donald that the Tremarians are gone.

Like the last book, the conflicts and resolutions resolve too quickly. For example, the
whole book could’ve been about the Draconain revenge plot. I was disappointed that North
Korean allies didn’t retaliate at all. Donald does a lot of stuff and no one seems to really retaliate
effectively. When people do, Donald just shoos them away and they never come back. Some of
the actions Donald does in this book are questionable. For example, stranding the lone
Draconain on his home planet. It would be more merciful to just kill him. And there is another
side character, General Peyton Willard that Donald shoots out into space. I know Donald had his
reasons but knowing how these books have been going Donald doesn’t seem to face really any
huge retaliation. I do enjoy how Rufus and his family become the extended family of the
Waldheims. And I am really looking forward to who is controlling the Tremarian vessels, because
I have a feeling that Donald is being lied to.
