Friday, March 28, 2025

Review: Echoes of Olympus Mons

This science fiction novel transports us to a school on Mars called Olympus One, where
students come to get their higher education in science fields. Hal and his best friend Akio have
just completed their dark matter camera. This camera can detect dark matter aura, as the name
suggests. They take this camera to Olympus Mons, where they test it out. When Hal develops
the footage, the images reveal mysterious violet figures cowering in fear on the mountain.
Shortly after, students and faculty members start getting killed off in gruesome ways.
Throughout the book, Hal tries to discover who is behind the murders, but everyone suspects
that it’s him. Some of the murders happen right in front of him, which puts him in awkward
situations. Luckily for Hal, other people at the school stand by his side and help him catch who is
really behind these killings.

It would be a crime to tell you anymore. This book is an exciting mystery. It will have you

on the edge of your seat in suspense. The first few chapters ease you into the interesting world-
building. You meet Hal, the reluctant hero, Akio, the tsundere, and many other characters. You

get the chance to like these characters before the mystery begins. Once the killings start, the
suspense will draw you into the story. You will want to read the next chapter, like binging a
Netflix series. As you read, you will uncover the culprit of the murders and the mysterious violet
figures on Olympus Mons, leading up to a horrifying ending.

This book explores themes of religious trauma and trauma in general and the emotions
it makes people have. We dive into Hal’s childhood with his abusive religious father and how it
shaped his worldview. Hal has nightmares about his tragic past. We also glimpse some of the
trauma the other characters have experienced. I only wish we had more time with these
characters before they meet their fate. We observe the drama between Hal and Akio with their
feelings for each other. These themes perfectly tie into what is killing everyone at the school,
leaving readers constantly guessing who the killer is.

The nitpicky issue I have was Hal’s name. When telling a science fiction story, there is
only one Hal people will think about, and it isn’t this, Hal. Without spoiling the story, there isn’t
a reason for him to be called Hal. The writer could’ve chosen any other name. One of the bigger
issues I notice is that Hal doesn’t fully arc. He almost completes his arc before the end, but he

I was very excited to read this book, and I couldn’t put it down. Even if you are not a
horror fan, I would highly recommend this book to any science fiction novel reader. This
suspenseful novel had me eagerly devouring this book. There are some gruesome moments in
the killing, but the overall theme of the story makes it worth it.

You can buy Echoes of Olympus Mons by Eric Malikyte on Amazon now.
