Monday, March 3, 2025

New Trailer Released for New Science-Fiction Film Starring Robert Pattinson

Mickey Barnes, a man with dedication and what appears to be no fears whatsoever, is sent on an
expedition in the ice world of Niflheim to start the process of colonizing it. Mickey, played by Robert
Pattinson, is viewed as a disposable employee and as an experiment by the company he signed up with.
The expedition is dangerous, but is it really all that bad when one knows their memories will be sent over
to an exact clone once they die?

Mickey is an expendable, which basically means in the eyes of his job, he doesn’t matter and can
easily be abandoned. In his case, he gets killed in the midst of the expedition, but when one version of
him dies, a new body is regenerated with most of his memories intact. He knew what he was getting into,
for he was ready to be off the planet Earth, so he signed up for this intense and dangerous mission.

This film, Mickey 17, is produced, written, and directed by Bong Joon-Ho, and it’s based off the
novel from 2022 titled Mickey 7 by Edward Ashton. The trailer for the film has just been released, and it
can be expected to be in theaters in March of 2025.
