James Gunn Updates Fans on the Status of the DC Universe
James Gunn, co-head of DC Studios alongside Peter Safran, have given fans an update on the status of the many projects of the DC Universe (DCU), with which ones they’re focusing on and which ones are taking a backseat.
DC Studios and Gunn are currently deep in post-production on ‘Superman’, the first DCU film, while also working on the second season of the Max ‘Peacemaker’. ‘Super: Woman of Tomorrow’ is halfway through its production, and the HBO series ‘Lanterns’ has recently started.
DC Studios is eventually aiming to release two live-action films and two animated TV series per year.
However, the pair reiterated that no project will be greenlighted until they’re completely happy with the screenplay – “It is hard enough making a good movie with a good script,” Gunn said. “It’s almost impossible to make a movie with a script that you’re writing on the run.”
The ‘Clayface’ film is planned to start filming this summer with James Watkins in talks to direct.
Safran confirmed that the film will be a “body horror film,” while Gunn hoped it “works as a pure horror movie for somebody who doesn’t care at all about DC.” The casting process is underway.
A brief update on ‘The Batman Part II’ was offered, as Safran said that writer-director Matt Reeves has “yet to turn in a full script, but what we have read so far is incredibly encouraging.”
A possible season two for ‘The Penguin’ starring Colin Farrell was even more vague, as Safran said “We don’t know,” Safran said. “There are a lot of moving pieces — probably most important Colin himself.”
‘Batman: The Brave and the Bold’ remains in active development. Safran commented, “That story is coming together nicely.”
Gunn said it was “very unlikely” that ‘The Batman’ star Robert Pattinson would reprise the role for ‘The Brave and the Bold’ and that “the actor doesn’t exist [yet].”
Animation is a core pillar for DC Studios, and is in pre-production on an animated film titled “Dynamic Duo.”
Safran said it will follow the story about the two Robins, Dick Graysona and Jason Todd.
“It provides a kind of perfect on-ramp for family audiences into the world of Gotham,” Safran said.
A series about the Blue Beetle is also in development which will pick up from the events of the 2023 film.
Executive producer Sam Registernand will oversee three “younger-skewing” animated series produced by Warner Bros. Animation and DC Studios.
‘My Adventures with Green Lantern’, follows high school student Jessica Cruz who’s life is upended when “a Green Lantern Power Ring falls from the sky” and chooses Cruz “to be its champion.”
That’s not the only thing that falls from the sky as “more debris from the Lanterns’ ancient space war arrives – along with their alien foes.”
Jake Wyatt is executive producing, and Stephanie Gonzaga is a co-executive producer.
‘DC Super Powers’ is set at the Alliance School for Heroes and focuses on new several students – Lightning, Flash, Plastic Man, Aquagirl, Green Lantern and Terra who “level up their powers under the supervision of Principal Martian Manhunter, in the hopes of one day graduating and becoming the next generation of Earth’s defenders.”
Matt Beans is executive producing, and Michael Chang is a supervising producer.
‘Starfire’ is a series that will be an origin story for the titular character, best known as part of the Teen Titans. The show follows herafter she uses “an ancient spaceship” she discovers on her home planet of Tamaran to escape her planet and explore the stars.
During this she’ll meet “space biker Crush, plant-loving Fern, and the magical Princess Amethyst of Gemworld” and together, they will “uncover the deepest reaches of the DC universe, save Space Dolphins, surf technicolor nebulas, and boldly soar into the unknown.”
Josie Campbell is executive producing, and Brianne Drouhard is co-executive producing.
The screenplay for a Teen Titans project — a group of young superheroes composed of Nightwing, Cyborg and the aforementioned Starfire — written by Ana Nogueira, who also wrote ‘Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow’ is in progress..
“The script’s not ready yet,” Safran said. “I mean, I think we said that Ana Nogueira is writing it.”
Safran avoided confirming that a Deathstroke/Bane script was in the works from Matthew Orton, but did hint at it.
“You say that like we’ve said that there’s a Deathstroke/Bane script,” Safran replied with a smile.
The Wonder Woman prequel series ‘Paradise Lost’, remains in development, and the ‘Booster gold’ series is also still moving forward.
Unfortunately, not everything is going as smoothly as the co-studio heads would like.
‘Swamp Thing’, another horror focused title, has been stuck in limbo while director James Mangold has been working on other projects like ‘A Complete Unknown’.
‘Waller’, a spin-off to ‘The Peacemaker’ series with Viola Davis, has what Gunn described as a “bumpy road” to finding the right script.
“The Authority”, which was meant to follow the events of ‘Superman’ has now moved to simmer, as Gunn noted the script “also had a harder time coming along” and the film “hasn’t been as much of a priority because it has been subsumed.”