Friday, March 28, 2025

‘Dune: Prophecy’ Episode 4 Recap

Episode four of ‘Dune: Prophecy’ opens with all of the acolytes having the same nightmare, which leads to one almost killing herself the same way Mother Dorotea did.

Meanwhile, Valya is meeting with her family on Seluca Secundis. She offers them her services as the house’s Truthsayer. Theodora uses Truthsense on Hanno an tells him that what he really wants is respect from the other great houses. Valya says that if they follow her plan, she will get them a seat on the council.

Corrino is having breakfast with his family and Desmond Hart. Ynez says she’s heard the rumors about Prewit’s death and who was responsible for it. She says she wants to go to Wallach IX to join the Sisterhood as planned, as she no longer feels safe with Hart around, but her father won’t allow it. It’s clear that Javicco’s reliance on Hart is splitting the family apart.

Keiran Atreides and the other rebels meet with a weapons dealer and buy a small drone that uses banned thinking technology. They plan to use it to infiltrate the Emperor’s throne room through the air vents, and assassinate the Emperor and his family.

Valya knows of the attack and plans to use it to her advantage by preventing it, therefore saving the Emperor’s life, earning his favor again and getting back into the palace.

She uses the sisters who are Truthsayers to the great houses, getting them to spread rumors about Prewit Richese’s death. She wants them to call for an investigation into it, but knows that none of the houses will be bold enough to do so themselves, and so they will invite a new member onto the council to do it for them: House Harkonnen.

Two nobles meet with Hanno and offer him a seat on the council, in exchange for him being the one to call for an investigation into the death of Prewit.

The acolytes tell Tula about the nightmares they had, and she calls them all together, putting them into a trance so they can recall their dreams and recall what they saw, getting them all to draw their visions. They all draw the same things: the mouth of Shai Hulud and a pair of eyes staring out of the darkness.

Natalya sends out Desmond to find the arms dealers and revolutionaries who’ve been preparing for a rebellion with an attack on the palace. It’s revealed that she was the one who leaked the rumors about Prewit’s death.

At the club, Keiran and Ynez meet, but he pushes her away when she kisses him, knowing he can’t let himself get close to her if the rebellion is to succeed.

The council meets and Hanno calls for an investigation to be opened. Valya’s plan is working, as Keiran opens the air vent for the drone. But then Ynez appears, and he realizes he can’t go through with it while she’s there.

However, Desmond then brings in the other conspirators from the rebellion along with the drone. He uses his power to kill them all and one of the barons on the council on Corrino’s orders, revealing the Emperor’s secret weapon that was used to kill Prewit.

It’s revealed that the power takes a toll on him, making him bleed every time he uses it.

On Wallach IX, Lila wakes from the coma she’s been in since going through the Agony.

With her plan derailed for the time being, Valya returns to the Harkonnen residence with a sample of blood from Hart, intending to use it to find out who he really is.

She has a conversation with her uncle, who says that she’s responsible for her brother Griffin’s death, and for perverting Tula onto a path of revenge. That her desire for power and vengeance have destroyed their family. He’s weak from his illness and begins to have a coughing fit, but Valya takes away his inhaler and allows him to die.
