Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Dune: Prophecy’ Episode 2 Recap

The second episode of ‘Dune: Prophecy’ opens on the planet of Wallach IX. The sisters are performing an autopsy on Kasha, where it’s revealed that she was burnt to death from the inside, in an unexplained way.

After learning of this, and that Prewit Richese is dead, Valya decides she must leave for Seluca Secundis, and takes Theodosa with her. She remembers the warning Mother Raquella gave about the approaching threat that would destroy the Sisterhood, and which she now believes may have come.

Before she leaves, she speaks to Tula and tells her she wants Lila to go through the Agony, a process that allows sisters to speak to their deceased female ancestors, though it comes with great risks. As Raquella’s great great-granddaughter, she might be able to talk to her, and find out more about the threat they are facing.

On Seluca Secundis, the Richese’s are angered and saddened by the death of Prewit. The Duke threatens the Emperor with his fleet of fighters, which were intended as a wedding present, but are now in orbit above the planet, under the Duke’s command.

Meanwhile, Desmond Hart reveals to Javicco that he killed Prewit, believing it was what he wanted. The Emperor denies that he ever wished any harm on the boy and orders Hart arrested and imprisoned.

On Wallach IX, Tula aska Lila if she will go through the Agony. She’s afraid to go through with it, but Tula says there’s a chance she may see her mother, who she never knew, there, but she must make the choice for herself.

Constantine has sex with Richese’s daughter, and she reveals that she never cared for Prewit and hardly knew him. She says that her family has no interest in taking over the Imperial palace, as it’s not the real source of power, that’s the planet of Arrakis, and the control of the Spice production. Constantine lets slip that Desmond Hart, a soldier from Arrakis, was arrested for killing Prewit.

Meanwhile, Javicco reveals to Natalya what Hart did. He’s worried about what Richese will do if he finds out, and that he should have Hart executed for his crime, but Natalya cautions him about acting too quickly, telling him they shouldn’t rush to kill their allies to please their enemies.

Valya arrives at the Seluca Secundis and tells Theodora to get close to the Princess. She wants her to befriend Ynez like Kasha did, they can continue with their plan to bring her into the Sisterhood, where they can better control her.

Valya enters the place and sees the Emperor being confronted by Richese for not turning Hart over to him. She cools the situation down then tells the Emperor that Kasha is dead and asks to see Desmond so she can question him. Javiccos agrees. Desmond reveals that he got his power as a gift from a sandworm, and tells Javicco that he killed Kasha because she was manipulating him for the Sisterhood’s own purpose.

Keiran Atreides goes to the nightclub where we find out he’s part of a rebellion against the Emperor. They want Spice to be freed from the restrictions imposed on it by the great houses, and made available to the people.

It turns out that the Sisterhood were responsible for the attack on the Spice harvester on Arrakis, and also know about the rebellion.

Lila agrees to go through the Agony. She is poisoned by Tula and goes to the place where her foremothers are, but it doesn’t go well for her. Her mother isn’t there, but Raquella is, and she tells her that the key to the reckoning is one born twice, once in blood, once in spice. A revenant. One born of war, which appears to point to it being Hart.

But Lila can’t return to the real world. Mother Dorotea is there, and she speaks through her to Tula, telling her she’ll take the girl as punishment for what the Harkonnen sisters did to her.

The Emperor releases Desmond, and when Richese threatens him again, he attacks him and burns him, not enough to kill him, but enough to make him beg for mercy. The Emperor relents, and tells him to return home to bury his son.

Later, Desmond meets Valya unexpectedly. She tries to make him kill himself using the Voice but he’s able to resist it. He says that her privileges in the palace are revoked, that she is to leave, and that he will destroy the Sisterhood.
