Friday, March 28, 2025

Dragon Ball DAIMA Episode 19 Overview

Dragon Ball DAIMA returns this week with big reveals and building hype as the series reaches closer to its conclusion. The introduction of Super Saiyan 4 last week still has fans reeling, but the show leaves no time to rest as it gets right back into the action. With the wish revealed Glorio has returned all those afflicted by the previous one back into adults, so the real final fight can get underway.

Much of the episode is dedicated to Vegeta fighting the big bad Gomah. For the first time, fans get to see him go Super Saiyan 3 as an adult as he busts out several of his classic moves in the clash. The fight looks to be in Vegeta’s favor at first, but it becomes clear that though he is stronger Gomah can outlast him no matter what is thrown. Vegeta’s pride gets in the way of letting anyone else join the fight while the rest of the group scrambles to find a way to deal with Gomah’s grand magical powers.

After some comedic moments from Bulma to get Vegeta to stop fighting a revelation is made about Gomah’s power. Three hits to the back of the head are all they need, but the great demon would need to be distracted. Grabbing his attention, Goku repeats what he did with Babadi going through all of his transformations and listing them out as he goes. When he reaches the end, he once again goes Super Saiyan 4, showing off the design in his adult form as the episode ends, promising a final climactic fight next week.
