Saturday, March 29, 2025

Andor Season 2 Official Trailer Reaction

‘Star Wars’ has released a brand new trailer for the upcoming ‘Andor’, teasing many exciting things about the show, like Mothma’ presence in the Imperial Senate, Director Krennic and Cassian flying a new TIE Fighter.

‘Andor’ season two is on many people’s watchlist, as it delivers a more grounded take on the ‘Star Wars’ universe. The trailer teases a lot about the upcoming arcs, so it’s best to take what’s likely to be connected and break that down together. 


The trailer opens up with the iconic Imperial Star Destroyer klaxons blaring, reminiscent of ‘Rogue One’s’ final trailer. This is likely in an Imperial base where the TIE Avenger Andor steals, or perhaps on Ghorman as the protests start. Speaking of Ghorman, audiences get an overhead shot of the port city, and see Imperial Army troopers ready themselves as they head into the protest. There is a shot of Andor talking to Luthen about something burning very brightly in flames, likely referencing the Ghorman protests to a powder keg that will violently explode, if only someone were to give it a push. 

This hints at Andor having a pivotal role in how the Ghorman Massacre occurs, which would indeed blacken Andor’s hands. It would be a darkly powerful moment to witness, and be extremely morally complex. How right is it to start a massacre to unify a rebellion? It’s a question that the second season of ‘Andor’ looks like it might grapple with. 

This of course ties into Mon Mothma’s arc over the series, as she is seen rallying to Luthen that they must unify, or be crushed. She’s moving into more of a leadership position. There are shots of her daughter’s wedding, which audiences know Krennic will be at. Hopefully this is on Chandrila, as it would be very cool to see Mon Mothma’s home planet in a prominent role. She also appears in the Senate, where she starts to deliver a fiery speech about “the monster.” This is likely a reference to the Empire. Mothma does deliver a huge speech before she flees the Senate, and it’s likely this speech. Hopefully it’s as powerful as previous ones in ‘Andor’, especially as actress Genevieve O’Reilly can deliver something as powerful. 

Krennic has been previously spotted at Mon Mothma’s daughter’s wedding, and he’s also seen urging the ISB to crack down on resistance, possibly putting him on a collision course with Dedra Meero. Meero herself seems to be suffering more setbacks, in one shot she appears to be choking or having a panic attack and trying to loosen her uniform. But if it’s the former, it’s quite possible that either Palpatine or Vader could be the one punishing her for her failures. Vader feels overused at this point, but seeing Tony Gilroy’s take on Palpatine would be very compelling.  

Finally, there’s the community that Brasso, B2EMO and Bix have joined on a farming planet, though one to be threatened by the Empire. A Gozanti cruiser puts a grey blot in a beautiful sky. This is the arc where Andor steals the TIE Avenger. This might link into Saw Gerrera’s heist he is doing, audiences also see him on Jedha in what will likely be one of the final shots of the season. Something that doesn’t immediately fit into anything else, is Kleya. She seems extremely upset, and has lost her cool and calm composure. She has found that the Empire is building a weapon (hint, it’s the Death Star), screaming at Andor. Whatever she finds likely sparks Andor’s investigation, and then leads him into the start of ‘Rogue One’.

Audiences don’t have long to wait for season two of ‘Andor’, which looks like it will be full of tough morals and big action. The first three episodes of the second season release on April 22.

Kieran Burt

My name is Kieran and I am based in the UK. I love writing about all things science fiction and fantasy, particularly Star Wars and Marvel. When I’m not writing or watching anything sci-fi related, you can probably find me exploring the open worlds of alternate lands through my Xbox.
