Friday, March 28, 2025

A Minecraft Movie Official Trailer Reaction

Warner Bros. Discovery has released a new trailer for the film adaptation of ‘Minecraft’, which does a better job at alleviating some of the fears fans may have had when they saw the first teaser not long ago. It’s less of a cringey take, and gives an origin to Steve, the arguable main character to all of ‘Minecraft’, as well as show off some of the world in a live-action style. 

The first thing people will notice, is that the trailer opens with voiceover saying “‘Minecraft’ trailer take two’, a somewhat tongue-in-cheek acknowledgement of the fact that the first trailer for this film didn’t land well at all with audiences. This trailer is attempting a do-over of sorts, and while it’s not possible to completely forget or erase the first trailer, at least the people working on this film are attempting to cater to audience interests, and care what they think. And this trailer pays off in that regard.  

The trailer opens up with a look at Steve, and how as a young child he yearned for the mines. This is of course a reference to a meme, that child love ‘Mincraft’ mining so they’d obviously love real-life mining. It originated as political mockery to the loosening of child labour laws, The fact that it shows up in a big-budget Hollywood film, devoid of its original context, is a bit cringey and has the feel of studio execs trying to prove they’re hip with the kids, though it does bring a bit of a chuckle. 

After Steve discovers the world of ‘Minecraft’, introduced by iconic blocky loading and ‘Minecraft introductory music, he gets to work. When more people stumble onto the hidden world, Steve is there to help guide them, and the audience by proxy. There are Redstone contraptions, auto-chicken cookers, and more. The main threat of the film seems to be that the nether is bleeding into other Overworld, as Piglins and Ghasts can be seen working together to create raiding parties. While not a feature of the game, it’s a setup that helps to distinguish the film from the game. 

To stop these forces, the crew need to take equipment from Steve’s stash, which is full of recognisable objects from ‘Minecraft’, like an enchantment table, TNT, armour, and fireworks. In the next scene these equipment are being put to use, with a huge explosion, and the fireworks are being used to drive an elytra. Some iconic mobs appear, such as the Iron Golem and a Zombie. Steve unfortunately loses his only Ender Pearl to someone’s poor use of it. He’s trying to hide his disappointment, but if he wants another one he’ll have to kill an Enderman.

For the final tag, audiences get a hint of the first night for the new entrants. It comes fast, similar to how it appears in-game, and of course it brings dangerous mobs. Skeleton Archers and Zombies stalk the land at this time, making survival difficult. It looks like it will be an early action scene when everyone gets to the Overworld, likely a fun one too. 

This is a stark improvement over the cringe-inducing first trailer, hinting at the wide and creative world that audiences will soon get to see on the big screen. Its overall intended audience still feels much younger those that first started ‘Minecraft’ when it released in 2011, but it will likely bring many new fans to the franchise. 

‘A Minecraft Movie’ releases in cinemas on April 4, 2025.

Kieran Burt

My name is Kieran and I am based in the UK. I love writing about all things science fiction and fantasy, particularly Star Wars and Marvel. When I’m not writing or watching anything sci-fi related, you can probably find me exploring the open worlds of alternate lands through my Xbox.
