Saturday, March 15, 2025
ConsoleNewsVideo Games

New Sci-Fi Game to be Released This April After a Long Wait

A new, dark, and unique game is just around the corner for players, bringing to life an
entirely new type of experience for fans of the sci-fi genre. Originally announced in 2023, Steel
Seed is a video game developed by Storm in A Teacup that takes place in an era where human
existence is on the very edge of extinction after a catastrophic event striked Earth. Stealth is
essential in order to survive this post-apocalyptic game considering the world is taken over by
violent machines that crave the death of human lives.


The player casts as the protagonist Zoe, a warrior familiar with the cyber world, and her
drone companion Koby as they explore a hostile environment in an underground facility. During
this exploration, secrets will be revealed throughout, leading closer to answers and ways to
save what’s left of humanity. There are many ways to level up in this game, providing new skills
and upgrading them to increase your chances of survival. Let’s not forget the dynamic combat
and formidable enemies that give the game a bit of a challenge.

The game was originally expected to be released in 2024 but was delayed. The new
release date is set for April 10th, 2025. Players can expect it on most gaming consoles, and the
trailer is available to watch for those wanting a closer insight.
